Silvan's Blog

Winter is coming: The Fourth Turning (Cycles part 1)

“History is seasonal, and winter is coming.” (Neil Howe)

Some questions have been haunting me in recent years:

  • How come that we are seeing more and more populist leaders getting elected into power?
  • Why is the call for order (or even for fascism) getting louder? (e.g. calls from the French National Front, the Dutch Party for Freedom, the Alternative for Germany, the Freedom Party of Austria, and the UK Independence Party)
  • Why are we seeing these nationalist movements and why did Britain vote to leave the EU?
  • How will southern Europe get out of the mess that they find themselves in – with record rates of youth unemployment? they have to abandon the Euro? ..what currency will follow?

I recently found some answers to these questions when I stumbled upon this podcast with Neil Howe. 

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